National Archery in Schools Program

The National Archery in Schools Program (NASP) originated in Kentucky and is geared toward target and 3D archery. There are over 12,200 schools in over 10 countries with over 2.1 million students that participate in this program. In Nova Scotia, we currently have 107 schools and one University participating in the program; we’re continuously looking for opportunities to grow this number and introduce more youth to the sport of archery.

Archery Nova Scotia has been training its club members for certification in the NASP Basic Archery Instructor (BAI) program. This allows them to be able to work within your schools, should you desire any assistance. ANS will also help arrange training for teachers or volunteers that may be interested in instructing your NASP program. 

If you are interested in introducing the NASP program into your school, please contact ANS. We will help guide you through what is needed for the program, costs associated, available funding, etc.